2 Meter FM Repeater – W7TT

Frequency: 145.310
Input: 144.710
Tone:  100.0 PL

DMR VHF Repeater – WA7DMR

RX Freq MHz:  147.4125   
TX Freq MHz:  146.4125   
CC:  1 BP

Part of the PNWDigital DMR Network.


ARRL Affiliated Club

Morse Code Day

Morse Code Day on April 27 honors the inventor of the Morse code, Samuel Morse, who was born on this day in 1791. Apart from this, Morse Code Day also celebrates this pioneering method of communication and the invention that was first used to transmit encoded messages — the electric telegraph. Morse code is a precise, concise form of communication that played a role in wars and influenced Western life in general when Morse invented it.

For more information click here.