We had Field Day at the Grant County Work Release facility this year as we were not able to get the White Trail Grange that we used last year. We were also outdoors with a couple of canopies set up for shade.
The bands were not the best again this year but we did make 185 contacts on SSB or on CW with 61 on SSB and 124 on CW– good job Gene. We used the club callsign, W7TT, and had 618 points when all was done.
Steve, W7STV, brought a 40-10m vertical with a bunch of radials as well as a 40m NVIS antenna that was only 7’ off the ground. We did make contact on the NVIS with Woody (N7HCJ) and Bob (N7AU) operating in OR as well as N7CN in SLC Utah.
Pat (W7RED), brought a brand new, some assembly required, 40-10m end-fed antenna. We ran it up the flag pole and used it the majority of the time, both on CW and SSB. It did very well working the Pacific to the Atlantic.
Kerri (KA7MFW), provided most of the food as well as made Ssausage and biscuits for Sunday morning breakfast. We had no reason to go hungry.
We had 7 people as crew, loggers, and operators:
Larry (W7IOS)
Gene (W7WMO) – Operated all the CW as well as some SSB just to show us he still could.
Guy (W7RK) – The only logger that Gene (W7WMO) didn’t have to explain what all those dits and dahs meant.
Pat (WA7RED)
Roger (W7CH)
Kerri (WA7MFW)
Steve (W7STV)
We had 10 visitors. Some were new to the area and a couple were older hams that I got to meet for the first time.
Jo Whitney (KA7LJQ) our ARRL section manager visited and took several photos, and gave us some band plan maps as well as a few books to give to those who wanted them.
We ran the radios on generator power. Those Honda generators sure are quiet and don’t use much fuel.
We didn’t operate that night. We hadn’t brought an 80m antenna and most of us had operated all day and would be back for the next day.
We had good weather, met new hams, had plenty of food to eat with a homemade breakfast, set up a new antenna, and made some contacts. I think we had a successful Field Day.
Steve (W7STV)