2 Meter FM Repeater – W7TT

Frequency: 145.310
Input: 144.710
Tone:  100.0 PL

DMR VHF Repeater – WA7DMR

RX Freq MHz:  147.4125   
TX Freq MHz:  146.4125   
CC:  1 BP

Part of the PNWDigital DMR Network.


ARRL Affiliated Club

June CWARC Meeting

Greetings all!  The next meeting for the CWARC will be held on June 15th at Time Out Pizza in Ephrata.  The business meeting will begin at 7:00, but feel free to come at 6:00 for general discussion and catching up with fellow members.

This will be the last meeting before Field Day, so we will be firming up details for that event.  Also, this is the last meeting before the summer break (no meetings in July or August).  We will be discussing the annual CWARC picnic, and setting a date for that (usually in August).  That date will be announced once it has been confirmed.

We hope to see you all there on the 15th!

Kerri – KA7MFW
