2 Meter FM Repeater – W7TT
Frequency: 145.310
Input: 144.710
Tone: 100.0 PL
DMR VHF Repeater – WA7DMR
April CWARC Meeting
The CWARC April meeting is one week away! Put it on your calendar: 04/20/23 @ 7:00. Come at 6:00 for dinner/socializing. You don’t have to be a member to attend…
How I Use HAM Radio – Steve W7STV
I got into HAM Radio in 2021 and with some help from another HAM, I got onto HF that winter after I got my General. My setup is fairly minimal…
03-21-23 NET
Today’s net was hosted by Roger (KJ7V) and 9 people checked in. Everyone provided good reports, the most exciting of them was the announcement made that 3 people tested for…
Sea Pac 2023
“The Northwest’s Largest Ham Convention” and the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention will be held On the beautiful Pacific Ocean beach at the Seaside Convention Center, 415 First Ave, Seaside, Oregon…
2023 ARRL Field Day is June 24-25
Save the date, the 2023 ARRL Field Day is June 24 – 25, 2023, a Saturday and Sunday. While we, CWARC, are still trying to find a location for Field…
Webpage and Forums 03/13/23
As of today, 3/16/23, the club website is updated. Each club member has a username already. Please contact Secretary Kerri Adler or myself, Tom Clark (taztwr01 @ If you…
Ham Radio Testing 03/18/23
CWARC will be hosting a HAM radio Technician and General Test this Saturday, March 18th at 9 am at the Port of Ephrata conference room, 1990 E Division Ave, Ephrata…
Message from the Secretary
Well folks, we are one week away from the next meeting – Thursday March 16th, at Time Out Pizza in Ephrata. Business meeting to begin at 7:00, come at 6:00…