2 Meter FM Repeater – W7TT

Frequency: 145.310
Input: 144.710
Tone:  100.0 PL

DMR VHF Repeater – WA7DMR

RX Freq MHz:  147.4125   
TX Freq MHz:  146.4125   
CC:  1 BP

Part of the PNWDigital DMR Network.


ARRL Affiliated Club

Ham Radio Testing 03/18/23

CWARC will be hosting a HAM radio Technician and General Test this Saturday, March 18th at 9 am at the Port of Ephrata conference room, 1990 E Division Ave, Ephrata Washington. Mike Wren should have it open by 8:15 am. 

You will need to bring $15.00 to test as well as you FRN number.